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Inward Investment

Britain’s Energy Coast – a globally recognised energy hub.

The coastline of Cumbria is widely regarded to be Britain’s Energy Coast, it is home to one of the world’s largest offshore wind farms and one of the world’s largest nuclear energy clusters. The communities have a long-lived experience of nuclear and include a supply chain which is rooted in clean energy.

The region’s anchor institutions include globally renowned organisations: Orsted, Sellafield Ltd and BAE Systems, whose multi-generational programmes of work have created an embedded supply chain well in excess of 400 companies. This group of companies is incredibly diverse, with businesses of all sizes, including well known blue-chip companies right through to innovative and agile smaller entities founded here in Cumbria.

The opportunities for growth are significant as the region works with partners to establish the green energy hubs of the future whilst also being trusted to deliver Europe’s largest environmental restoration programme, over decades to come.

Perfectly connected for business globally

Situated in north west England, Cumbria has many excellent links to locations throughout the United Kingdom. With fast train access to international connections from London and metropolitan areas such as Manchester by rail. T he newly opened Lake District Airport, the M6 motorway to the north and south and the arterial A66 route to give excellent east-west connections to and from Britain’s Energy Coast, means that transport links to and from the area shorten those important journey times. Cumbria is fast becoming an important global investment location for a wide variety of business and trade.

Ready to support businesses looking to invest in the area

Britain’s Energy Coast is already home to key business and innovation hubs, first-class facilities and outdoor recreation spaces that attract trade and visitors from all over the world. Home to the English Lake District, Cumbria offers an unbeatable natural environment in which to live and work. There is a large choice of diverse and extremely cost-effective commercial property throughout our districts, so it is easy to see why so many businesses call Cumbria their home.

Britain’s Energy Coast – the sensible option for business

A bespoke inward investment location service

We provide a bespoke introductory support service within BECBC for those locating within our geographic outreach. To do so we work with partners in the public sector such as Cumbria LEP, County and District Councils to ensure a smooth transition for those businesses intending to locate in the area. The range of business support services includes, but is not limited to:

  • Helping you or your representatives to evaluate an appropriate business location, property or site
  • Introducing and maximising local supply chain provision
  • Providing connections to key personnel, prospective business partners and support organisations within membership of BECBC
  • Identifying potential sources of business funding where appropriate
  • Links to recruitment and training for a high-quality workforce
  • Accessing HE and FE knowledge and research and development expertise
  • Assistance with relocation advice on housing and local education provision

Thinking about making that move?

Call our Executive Director, John Grainger, on 07764 772774, and start on your journey to join many other successful businesses in Britain’s Energy Coast.

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