Altrad Babcock achieve 15 years without a lost time accident at Drax, North England
We are pleased to announce that Altrad Babcock’s team at Drax power station in Selby, North England, has achieved 15 years without a lost time accident.
This period has encompassed the completion of 26 major outages, 3 reheater drum renewals, 3 main steam replacements and 5 projects on 4 units, which were all carried out safely and successfully.
Drax power station was the first Altrad Babcock site to be awarded the British Safety Council (BSC) Sword of Honour back in 2015 in addition to the Drax Contractor Safety Excellence Awards in 2014, 2017 and 2018.
This is a fantastic achievement for all involved, with over 4 million hours worked. Bruce Dunn, Altrad Babcock Site Manager, said “Workplace safety is a serious responsibility. Excellence in safety is always a collective effort whereby our operational team, site management and safety team work collaboratively to create a safe and hazard-free work environment.”
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