Are you thinking about employing an apprentice or do you already employ an apprentice? Then this one's for you!
Having worked with some of the region's leading training providers, we're aware that employing an apprentice isn’t always easy and it can be a bit of a minefield making sure that you legally employ apprentices and do everything by the book.
With this in mind, we've created a support package (the first of its kind in the UK) on how to legally employ an apprentice and how to get the best from the experience. With the average employment tribunal costing £8,500, we wanted to make sure that employers avoid any costly mistakes, so our package includes everything you need to know such as: how to manage contracts including templates, disciplinaries, grievances, one to ones, absence and more.
If you're registering your apprentice with one of the local collages this year, you'll likely hear more about us during the sign up of your apprentice.
Please check out the information here, or if you have any questions or would like to chat further, please email hannah@realisehr.co.uk
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