Invitation to tender issued for key Town Deal project

AN invitation to tender is to be opened this week in relation to the development of a project to create a new leisure facility in Cleator Moor.
Healthy Town is one of four projects that make up the Cleator Moor Town Deal and aims to provide the community with a modern, multi-purpose and inclusive sports facility at the Activity Centre.
The invitation to tender process will see a contractor appointed to complete technical and architectural drawings for the proposed building – the next stage in the process of bringing a building to life.
Specialist firms will be invited to tender for the contract by Cumberland Council.
Bob Metcalfe, Chair of the Cleator Moor Town Deal Board, said: “The opening of an Invitation to Tender is good news as it means this ambitious project is moving forward to what is a key stage in the development of any new property of this type.
“The technical work undertaken will move the plans and drawings to what is known as Riba Stage 4 – the point at which they are detailed enough that they can be submitted to the local planning authority.”
Cleator Moor Town Deal secured an award of £22.5m from the Government’s Towns Fund last year along with an additional £18.4m from match funders.
Healthy Town aims to enhance leisure provision in the town to boost levels of health and wellbeing and encourage more people to visit, bringing increased footfall and revenue to local businesses.
It is proposed that the new centre would deliver a broader programme of sports, physical activity as well as providing a home to wider health and wellbeing services.
It would also serve as a new base for Copeland Occupational and Service Centre (COSC) – a day centre for individuals with physical disabilities.
Councillor Mark Fryer, the Leader of Cumberland Council, said: “This is one of a number of exciting schemes underway across Cumberland and I am pleased to see it progress to this very important stage.
“Improving access to sports and leisure facilities has the potential to improve wider health and wellbeing outcomes in our communities, something that is a priority for the council.”
Outline planning permission was secured in January for an Enterprise Hub building at Leconfield Industrial Estate – part of Cleator Moor Town Deal’s Enterprising Town project.
And planning approval is being sought to create a new public services and cultural community hub within a reconfigured Cleator Moor Library and the old Council Offices to help revitalise the town centre.
Information on the remaining project, Connected Town, will be shared as soon as it becomes available.
For more information on the Cleator Moor Town Deal website.
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