Hinkley Point C: Building Britain’s first nuclear reactor in 30 years
Like its Finnish and French twins, Hinkley Point C has suffered from cost overuns and delays. What are the team doing to claw back the losse…
ONR grants consent to decommission Hunterston B
The Office for Nuclear Regulation (ONR) has granted consent to EDF Energy’s application to start decommissioning Hunterston B nuclear power …
Energy UK Explains: Allocation Round Six
Key points The Contracts for Difference scheme has been key to the expansion of cheap, homegrown renewables by bringing investors certainty,…
Connections and Credibility
Our credibility as BECBC comes from our members in businesses both big and small, along with our connections with other organisations, including Government in Westminster. Here's what our members have to say about us:
Meet The Team
BECBC is run by a Board of 8 volunteers from across the energy industry and its supply chain, all bringing their own set of skills and knowledge to the membership. They are supported by a small team of employees and professional consultants.
There is also a BECBC Shadow Board of young professionals (all volunteers), formed to bring disruption to the norm and challenge BECBC to think outside the box.
The BECBC Sector Groups are led by volunteers, all experts from within the membership.
For immediate enquiries please contact the relevant member of the team:
Dianne Richardson, Chief Executive
email hidden; JavaScript is requiredEllen Muncaster, Membership Secretary
email hidden; JavaScript is required
Social Value Delivery Group
The Social Value Group was set up to bring together members wanting to ensure that growing business had positive impacts on the communities of West Cumbria.
Meeting monthly, this group is for anyone wanting to give back, with a current focus on the youth of Cumbria and developing employer engagement for local students.
Want to get involved? Come to a meeting, suggest a workshop topic, host an event or simply share good practice.