What I learned in my first week in BECBC.
10th of June was my first day self-employed and the start of my first week in BECBC. I attended 2 events – the BECBC / NNA Framing Nuclear Opportunities and the BECBC Professional Services Group meeting.
At both events I learned that plenty of people were interested in what I was offering (either personally or professionally), and that the opportunities for collaboration where plethoric; I had imagined a couple of people would be interested, but practically everyone at the event had some helpful advice or gave me a lead. It was a pleasant surprise. It’s been a bit overwhelming how well interconnected the Business Cluster is, and I know it’s going to take me a bit of time to appreciate the landscape and where I fit into it.
These events have led directly to offers for me to do introductory events for companies, and to work with my fellows in Professional Services Group to provide a contiguous solution to their clients as a BECBC bloc.
From these 2 events, 2 things changed in my practice:
Firstly, I gained a lot of confidence in presenting what my business has to offer to a myriad of people and organisations – I’m not sure where else I could have learned that – so from now on I will be more confident to connect with people and organisations.
Secondly, with so many experienced people around offering a welcome and valuable advice, from now on I will be more confident to ask for advice from my peers as I navigate this new world of business.
I’m looking forward to the next event I go to, which is the Energy Networx event on July 10th. I don’t know what I’ll learn, but I do know that the people around me will be welcoming, helpful, and interesting!
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